Jumat, 20 Maret 2020

Assignment 3
Analysis of the 3 principles of language assessment (practicality, Reliability, and validity)

Latihan Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMP

A. Topik : Announcement
Questions 1-2 are based on the following text.

To All English Literature Class Students
(1) Exam will be held on Wednesday, October 23rd 2014, at 10 a.m. in room 143. Please read A Clean and Well-Lighted Place by E. Hemingway and Queenie by Alice Munro as they will be the subject materials. Copies of both are available in my locker, feel free to grab them!
(5) It will be an open book exam. You can bring books as many as you can, but no internet and cell phones! Cheaters will be expelled!
Professor Smith

1.To whom the announcement is made?
A. Students of English Literature Class
B. Professor Smith
C. E. Hemingway and Alice Munro
D. The readers

2. Which statement is correct based on the text?
A. Students cant open their books in the exam.
B. Using internet from the cell phones is allowed.
C. Prof. Smith put copies of subject materials inside her locker.
D. The exam will be held at 8 a.m.

B. Topik : Notice
Questions for number 3 to 5!

3. The notice above means.....
A. wash hand before work
B. wash hand before eat
C. use the shop for washing hand
D. wash hand in the bathroom

4. The statement based on the text is
A. The notice is for parents.
B. The notice is for students.
C. The notice is for employees.
D. The notice is for the guest.

5. Where you can find the notice?
A. In the market
B. In the class
C. In the company
D. In the street

C. Topik : Narrative
Questions 6-9 are based on the following text.

(1) A hen was so jealous at her friend, a goose, who could lay golden eggs. The farmer was very caring with his goose and he always feed the goose the best corn and wheat, as opposed to other livestock which were provided only with the usual fodder.
(5) The goose is so lucky. She lays golden eggs so she gets more affection from our master, said the hen.
(7) One day, the farmer came into the barn and said greedily, I wonder if there are many golden eggs inside the goose." Then, he captured the goose, took her to his home, and butchered her. The hen, knowing the fate of the poor goose, said, I am so lucky! If only I had laid golden eggs, I would have been dead instead of the goose!

6. What is the appropriate title for the text?
A. The Goose
B. The Jealous Hen
C. The Greedy Farmer
D. The Pursuit of Golden Eggs

7. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. The hen was grateful because of her luck
B. The goose laid more eggs
C. The farmer butchered the hen
D. The hen was jealous with the goose

8. Which of the following statement is NOT mentioned in the text?
A. The goose was dead in the end.
B. The farmer always feed the goose the best food.
C. The goose was the farmers favorite.
D. The hen never felt unlucky.

 Then, he captured the goose, took her to his home, and butchered her.
9. What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. Intimidated
B. Fed
C. Cared
D. Slaughtered

D. Topik : Advertisement
Questions 10-11 are based on the text below.

10. What is advertised from the text above?
A. Tea
B. Beverages
C. Perfume
D. rinks

"The Most Treasured Name in Perfume".
11.What is the meaning of the underlined phrase?
A. Most valuable
B. Most expensive
C. Most helpful
D. Most desired

Analysis of practicality, Reliability, and validity

  • Practicality

In this test the level of practicality has been fulfilled, namely the problem is economical and does not require funding from students, the discipline of this question is easy to follow and easily understood by students and remains within the right time limits and the correct test procedures and is specific and time-saving.

  • Reability 

is an index that shows the extent of an instrument reliable and reliable gauges. A test is said to have provisi on if reliable, consistent / stable and productive whenever the test used. From this problem can in dicate the level of stability of 9th grades tudents in junior high school. This means that the test can be used to express or measure the level of student knowledge of English subjects.

  • Validity

validation in this problem is how we determine whether or not a problem can and distinguish groups in the aspects measured according to differences. The validity of the questions here shows an index of discrimination in distinguishing between high-ability test takers from low-ability test takers.


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